Then a group picture of the whole gang with Addie taking the picture.
On Thursday evening, we invited our friends from Green Valley over to meet our Idaho friends. We had such a good time especially when Bob got telling his Pancho Villa and Silver Challis jokes; and Shirley started telling how she and Cliff got together so we went around the room telling how we had met our spouses. There were some very interesting stories. What a hoot!
Dennis, Jody, Addie Jo, Chuck and Deanna left on Saturday morning and after we got back from Tubac Nancy and Cheryl headed for home. Terry and Mark left on Sunday. Vickey and Craig stayed with us until Wednesday.
On Monday, we went up to Madera Canyon and had a picnic and hiked and tried to bird. Vickey walks really, really fast and Bob said she would never see a bird by looking down. She also calls them "that blue thingy, or that brown thingy." It was so funny and we had a great time.
On Tuesday, we took them to Sabino Canyon. You can ride the tram to the top and back down, but we decided to ride up and then we walked all the way down.
By the time we got home we had had a full day, but Vickey needed to do some laundry so Bob decided to help her.