Sunday, November 22, 2009


After we had our two cups of coffee this morning, Bob said, "Do you want to go to Sweetwater birding?" He has been having birding withdrawal since he hasn't gone for so long, so I said, "Okay." Sweetwater is Tucson's wastewater treatment plant --I know what you're thinking -- but it is an excellent place to bird.
The first thing we saw when we got there were Lawrence's Goldfinches. This was a life bird for both of us -- what a way to start the day! Below is a picture of 3 females. This picture doesn't do them justice, but it's as good as I could do as they wouldn't let me any closer.

It just kept getting better as the next bird we saw was an immature Harris' Hawk.

Then we saw many, many different kinds of ducks, and below a Snowy Egret searching for his breakfast and below that two Black-necked Stilts.

And Bob having a great time birding!!

Even though it is a wastewater treatment area it is a beautiful, tranquil place.
And sometimes you get a surprise. Like ducks all in a row with a turtle mixed in!

We had a great day and saw 51 different species of birds.

Thursday, November 19, 2009


Bob, Scott, Norm and Cliff went rock hunting last Sunday with the group from the Pima Community College. This trip was to an old copper mining town called Helvetia. It is just east of Green Valley in the Santa Rita mountains.

Scott, Cliff, Bob and Norm having a cold one by one of the adobe walls from the old town site of Helvetia.

Below are the guys with fearless leader Harrison Yokum. (remember he is 86 years old)

Below is the view looking back at Green Valley.

They had a great day and again brought home lots of rocks!!

Thursday, November 12, 2009


On November 2 we birdyset Jazz for four nights.
Jazz is a male Eclectus Parrot. This is the only Parrot species that has a marked sexual dimorphism in the colours of the plumage. The male is green, like Jazz; and the female is bright red with purple. They are beautiful birds.

Jazz was a good bird and said things like: "Company", and "I'm an Eagle"! But we learned to appreciate Boomer a great deal more because when Jazz squawked (which he did often) you could hear him two blocks away. He was much, much noisier than Boomer so we decided we have a prize in Boomer!


On Tuesday, Scott was going to go down to Mexico for a haircut so we decided to tag along. We hadn't gone to Mexico (which is only 45 minutes way) since we moved here. I had seen some drinking glasses that I wanted in Tubac. Shirlie said -- get them in Mexico they will be a lot cheaper. And they were, I found them for almost $2.00 a glass less down there and it was kind of fun bartering. We also got some booze at the duty free shop for a lot less than buying here in the states. Then stopped at Wisdom's (a Mexican Restaurant) in Tubac on the way home. It was a good day and now we can say we have been across the border.


On Wednesday, we went with the Camera Club to the Barrio in Tucson for the annual Doors and Windows tour. Below are a few of the pictures we took.

I took a total of 169 pictures and Bob took 120. I will probably delete 160 of those pictures, but I guess that is what photography is all about. Thank God for digital cameras!

Saturday, November 7, 2009


Yesterday for my birthday, we went with friends to the Sonora Desert Wildlife Museum in Tucson.

Bob had been wanting to see the new flight show that they had started at the museum. The birds were free flying right over our heads which was great for taking pictures.

They had two Chihuahuan Ravens in the show.

A Barn Owl

A Grey Hawk

And a Ferruginous Hawk

When we left the museum, we went to one of my favorite restaurants, Old Pueblo Grill. We had Margaritas and great food. Thank you Bob, Cliff, Shirlee, Yvonne and Scott for making this birthday very special!