Thursday, December 30, 2010


Another Christmas under our belts! Seems like we just had Christmas 2009, and Christmas 2011 will be here before we know it. We spent Christmas Eve at Doc and Jean's. It was their first Christmas in their new house in Green Valley. Below left to right: Jean, Marg, Yvonne, Scott, Bob, Norm and Doc. Bob took this picture of the ladies:
So I took one of the gents:
On Christmas day we were invited to Norm and Marg's. It was our second annual Christmas dinner there. Below Marg insisted that I try her chair. It was comfortable, but I felt a little awkward!
Below, Norm shows his Christmas present. A beer holding holster (you can double click to get a better view in case you want to check it out more closley).
Below: The whole group.
Yvonne and Cliff talking at the same time (we all do that a lot).
Our chef cooking up the great steaks we had for eats!
Doc and Jean enjoying the mild weather.
The group of gals.
Marg gave us all gifts and Shirlie's was totally appropriate. It says " Sister Mary Margarita" after all Shirlie is known for her Margaritas, just not so much for her sisterly like conduct!
Scott taking a picture while I take a picture.
And finally dessert. Pumpkin pie and chocolate sour cream cake!
We had a great time with good friends and good food. Having had a successful Christmas 2010 we want to wish you all a very Happy 2011!!

Friday, December 17, 2010


I couldn't decide if I wanted to put up Christmas decorations or not - I vacillated between yes and no for a number of days. I finally told Bob to bring in a few decorations just to make the house look a little festive. Well, we ended up putting everything out - tree and all!!
And Bob's palm Christmas tree too!!
So I guess this means that Santa is on his way?

Wednesday, December 15, 2010


Last Wednesday Bob and I went with the Camera Club to Tucson to ride the Trolley down 4th Avenue. It was our chance to see what it is that has everyone talking about 4th Avenue. The trolley is run by volunteers. Below we are boarding the trolley at the trolley station. Margie got to ring the bell!
Looking down the trolley tracks.
4th Avenue has some great restaurants, pubs and shops with some really funky names.
All the street corners have bright banners; below are just a couple.
Plus there were signs in all the shops and restaurants advertising the 4th Avenue street fair. We have never been, but by the T.V. ads it looks as if thousands of people attend.
We had a group picture that Carl was nice enough to send me so that I could use it in this blog.
We had a good time; and at Carl's suggestion we had lunch at a great restaurant on 4th Avenue!

Friday, December 3, 2010


Below is the "before" office/den/third bedroom (the couch makes into a bed). This is it after. I still have pictures to hang, but it is usable and so nice to have the extra space for my computer, etc. And I finally have a place to put my wind-up clock that Bob gave me years ago for my 38th birthday.
The master bedroom before.
And now. This is the only room in the house that the walls are just an off-white.
The master bath before.
We still have a little work to do, but we are enjoying the house so much. Thank you Granny!

Monday, November 29, 2010


Last year Shirlie, Cliff, Bob and I went to the Elks Club for Thanksgiving dinner. It was so nice not to have to cook and clean up afterwards, and Bob loved not having to eat turkey for the next two weeks, so we decided to make it an annual event. This year our numbers expanded to nine! We met at Shirlie and Cliff's for drinks before dinner. The women in the house and . . . the men outside.
At the Elks Club.
We came to our house after dinner for after dinner drinks (no pictures). We had a very nice dinner with friends, and at the rate time is going, it will be Thanksgiving 2011 before we know it!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010


We finally got moved into the new house on Monday. We are pretty much settled except for a few minor things. Below are the before and after pictures. (You can double click on the pictures to enlarge them.)
We are loving the new house with all it's extra room and big kitchen. Bob especially loves his 2-car garage. We have a little work to do yet -- the master bedroom is still a work in progress, and we have a little more to do in the front yard. I will put those pictures on the blog as soon as it is completed.