Tuesday, January 17, 2012


We went out to dinner last Saturday night for Jean's "65th" birthday.  Her birthday isn't until today, the 17th, but we have HOA happy hour tonight, and we can't miss that, so we celebrated her birthday early.

This is Doc "pontificating" (this is one of Doc's favorite words; he uses it all the time). You'll have to look it up!
Awaiting dinner

After dinner!
We had a lovely dinner; Happy birthday Jean!

Saturday, January 7, 2012


Doc and Jean asked us to go golfing with them.  I hadn't golfed in 8 years and Bob had only golfed once in 8 years, but we said okay!  It was a absolutely gorgeous day - about 72 degrees and no wind.

Doc and Bob waiting to tee off

Me taking a few practice swings

Jean waiting her turn

The sky was so blue, it made a beautiful backdrop

Looking at Mt. Wrightson from the course
We had a great afternoon; I golfed okay for not having golfed for so long and Bob did great!  Will do it again, but only after I rest my arms and back for a while!!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012


New year's eve brought another party, at the Denzer's this time. It was a beautiful evening.

It was a little chilly on the patio so the Denzer's set up in the garage. 

Norm (just out of the picture), Jim, Scott, Dick, Doc and Bob's knee

Marg and Norm

Shirlie, Jean, Jim, Yvonne and Judy

Scott, Dick and Cindy

The "Old Coot" at his best?

After the good food!


Bob and I went to Madera Canyon for our third annual new year's birding hike.  The weather was just beautiful.  Last year we were bundled up with coats, hats and gloves, but this year, as you can see, it was shorts weather.

Elephant Head on a bright blue day

There is lots of water running in the canyon this year.

We saw lots of deer

Looking out over the valley at Green Valley

As we were leaving the parking lot - one last look at the snow in the mountains.


Doc and Jean had a big New Year's open house!  Lots of people and good food!

Shirlie, Marilyn and Marg

I took this picture of Doc so he can keep track of how fast his Saguaro grows.
We had a lot of fun this holiday season!  Now it's time to rest.