Sunday, July 15, 2012


On Saturday, July 7, we went to Greer.  This was in the area of the big Wallow fire last year.  The pictures tell the story.

Even though there were a lot of burned areas; there were some pretty areas untouched.

Even the wild flowers are coming back.

We had lunch at Molly Butler's Lodge. A great place to look out over the valley.

We thought this sign said it all!

Thursday, July 12, 2012


On Friday, July 6, the Gleason's took us up to the Mogollon Rim.  What a beautiful area.

 The views were just spectacular!

We had packed our lunch so we had a picnic by the lake

 We saw Osprey as well as people fishing.

After lunch we hiked up to see a baby Eagle.  It was quite a hike as they have it all roped off so you can't get right up to the nest.  You had to go way around to the opposite side to see it.

the arrow marks the nest

This was as good a picture as I could get!

The park service had spotting scopes set up so you could look over at the Eagles
We didn't get to see the mom or dad Eagle, but seeing the baby made our day.

Monday, July 9, 2012


We went to Show Low the first week in July.  We wanted to get away from the heat, celebrate the 4th, and on the 6th, our 27th wedding anniversary.

I took a lot of pictures so I am not going to try to put them all in at one time.  It would put you to sleep!!

On our way up to Show Low we passed thousands of these Agave plants in bloom!  Our Agave plants down here in Southern Arizona don't hold a candle to these beauties.  It was hard to get close and take a good picture so I put together a collage.

 It is a windy road down to the Salt River and then back up, but it is beautiful.

I rented our Condo on line.  I usually have pretty good luck doing that and this one wasn't too bad; however, it was three flights up (24 stairs) just to get to the front door.  Hard packing suitcases and Boomer's cage up all those stairs and then back down again when we left.  Then inside to get up to the master bedroom was another 12 stairs.  We felt in pretty good shape by the time we left.  

Look down from our front door
 On Tuesday, Linda and Jim Gleason took us around to show us the area.

Looking at . . . 

a mother and baby Coot
The forest was really, really dry and everywhere there were NO FIRE signs.  It was a cloudy day this day, and it finally did rain really hard the next day.

On 4th of July, Bob and I explored a few places by ourselves. One was Woodland Lake.  It had a walking path the whole way around.
 The light wasn't at all good this day so the woodpecker below is just a silhouette.
Lewis's Woodpecker

 Lots of people were fishing as we walked around this lake.
 One of the prettiest walks we took was the Mogollon Rim trail.
 The plant below is Manzanita.  The bark is beautiful.

As you can see the clouds were starting to roll in for some much needed rain.