Sunday, June 30, 2013


I've finally warmed up!  Yesterday here in Boise it was 102 and it is suppose to be warmer here on Monday than in Green Valley!  I'm not complaining; I love it!

Katie, Bob and I went to the Idaho Botanical Gardens last Thursday.  It is on the old prison grounds.  We didn't get to go into the old prison - maybe that is for special events - but the flowers and grounds are "lovely".

This turret is part of the old prison

I was going to add a few more pictures, but this silly blog won't let me!

Sunday, June 23, 2013


We left Winnemucca on Saturday and headed for Boise.  Leaving my baby behind:-( (that's a sad face).  As is typical with Nevada the trip was boring as shown in the picture below.

Miles and miles of nothing!


We arrived to 60 degree weather.  40 degrees cooler than GV! (can you all hear me complaining!) We got checked into the condo we are renting; got unpacked and then we relaxed.
Bob having a little Jamie!
Just as we were arriving in Boise, the warning light came on to tell us that we had low pressure in our tires!  So we put air in them all then it happened again today.  Being in Idaho, not a tire store was open except good old Costco.  They told us it would take about an hour to check it out so we (Bob, Katie and I) walked over to Bob's very favorite place in the world to have lunch and wait for the verdict on the tire.

Bob was a happy boy (I wondered if he had manipulated the low tire warning?). But when we got back to Costco he was vindicated as we had a slash in the tire, but they didn't have a tire to fit? So we got my daughter's car and took ours out to the Ford dealership where it is sitting until morning.  Hopefully they will have a tire that fits!  We are now driving Katie's car and she will bicycle to work in the morning. 

FYI - I've only texted K.C once to see how Boomer is doing and that was yesterday evening.  He was doing good and had even stepped up for K.C.  Well, better go so I can text him again!

Friday, June 21, 2013


Getting to Winnemucca, Nevada, from Green Valley isn't an easy trip.  Most of it is through the Great Basin in Nevada. Below shows what a great deal of the trip looks like. Miles and miles of nothing!

We arrived at K.C's about 3:30 p.m. on Wednesday.  Below are pictures of his beautiful back yard.  He has two waterfalls with ponds filled with Koi.
 K.C explaining to Bob the workings of the whole pond.
 In one corner of his yard he grows vegetables and herbs. Below he has herbs growing in an old toilet!

K.C has an African Grey Parrot also.  Shylo is on the left and Boomer on the right.  Boomer didn't want to be on this perch with Shylo!


K.C just built a new room onto his house for his critters! He has Poison Dart Frogs. Below is a picture of one of them.  He has many, many different kinds, but this is the only one I could get a picture of.

Me holding one of his two Chameleons

One of his many Leopard Geckos 

His frog terrariums

His Gecko rack

His Chameleon houses (only two so far)


Mexican Fireleg Tarantula

His two tortoises (sorry for the blury picture)

A rare picture of K.C and I together
Tonight, Friday, we had a get together on the deck with K.C's dad, Don and his wife Terri, and an old friend Carol and her husband, Tom.  Carol was K.C's first grade teacher.  

We are leaving for Boise tomorrow and Boomer is going to stay with K.C while we are in Idaho.  K.C says that Bird Boot camp begins tomorrow. 

Monday, June 17, 2013


Have you thought about how simple it use to be to travel?  All you had to think about was packing your clothes. Now, for Bob and I anyway, it has become a production!  First there are the electronic gadgets; and along with those gadgets are the chargers!

Besides Bob and I packing almost every piece of clothing we own, then there is traveling with a bird.  A spoiled bird. We have two cages -  because his travel cage is wedged into the car and way too much trouble to get in and out until we reach our final destination - we have another collapsible cage for him to sleep in when we get to the motel.

Boomer also has a "Birdbag" which is much like a diaper bag-only with stuff like food (seeds and his special bread); food dishes, toys, perches, treats, cage liner pads - OMG!

The car is almost loaded.  Yes, there is more to go in it!  But that will have to be done at the last minute in the a.m.  And we will be off to Winnemucca to see my son.  More from there....

Thursday, June 6, 2013


Last night we went to Redbird, Ron and Patsy's for "brats" & "dogs", and lots of other good stuff too! (Redbird had to stay in her cage because of a biting incident earlier in the day).

The group

Enjoying the conversation?

Yum, yum!!

Bob's in heaven with a BIG bowl of ice cream - his second!

When the mountains are pink - it's time to drink!!

The evening was perfect (about 97 degrees) as was the food and the company.  

I also have to do a little bragging here:  Patsy had taken my ProShow Class earlier in the year, and she showed us a DVD she made from her trip to Southern Utah/Northern Arizona. It was wonderful!  Great job Patsy!