Friday, May 9, 2014


Yesterday Bob and I went to Patagonia because Bob had seen a couple of birds listed on the "list serve" he watches.  One was the Thick-billed Kingbird and the other was the Harris' Sparrow.

We stopped at the area they had been seen, but it was a bust so we headed on over to Patton's.  The picture below shows what a bright blue beautiful day we had. 

On the way to Patton's we saw five Havalina.  They scurried off so fast that this was the best picture I could get of them.

There were Hummingbirds galore at Patton's.

A Broad-billed Hummingbird.

A Broad-billed and a Black-chinned.

Broad-billed male and female of undetermined species!

Violet-crowned Hummingbird

Broadbilled and Violet-crowned

The Violet-crowned tipping his head to show the violet!

This Broad-bill peeked around the post.

Just a few of the other birds we saw at Patton's

Summer Tanager

Northern Cardinal

Lots of birders!

Ladder-backed Woodpecker
On our way home, we stopped back to see if we could see the Thick-billed Kingbird and luckily it was there.  

A closer view.
We still didn't see the Harris' Sparrow, but we had a great day!

Sunday, March 30, 2014


We had been trying to get over to Rancho Mirage since January.  Lori and Brian were there in January and we were going to go over, but I got bronchitis and couldn't make it.  Then again the first of March, but Bob was in Texas birding.  When Emilee said they were going to be there we thought we better go.  It is a beautiful area and the house is spectacular!

When we got there on Wednesday, the wind was blowing so hard you could hardly see.  The two pictures below are looking at the valley and all you can see is dust plus the water in the pool had white caps!

The pictures below are the next morning.  What a difference.  No wind!

Ellie making salad and Sofia goofing off!

This is looking at the front door which looks into a courtyard and down the hall to the 2 spare bedrooms

Looking out at the courtyard

Looking down the hall to the 2 bedrooms

The backyard - hot tub, patio and pool (the dog is Madiline - Jarrod's parents dog)
Pool and patio

The courtyard

Looking back at the house's front door 

Front of the house

Another view of the front

Wind turbines galore
On Thursday we went to the Living Museum.  
Julian, Jasper, Noah, and Ellie

Bob listening to the birds

Byrd wanted his picture by a saguaro 

Sofia posing on a turtle

Byrd and Jarrod
Sofia on the merry-go-round

The whole gang (except Byrd and me)

There was a petting zoo

And giraffes 

We went to Babe's for lunch, Sofia was a goner!

The kids waiting for dinner

Bob and Judy sitting by the hot tub

Byrd and Sofia

We had a great time and I am so glad I got to see the house before it is sold.