Friday, May 9, 2014


Yesterday Bob and I went to Patagonia because Bob had seen a couple of birds listed on the "list serve" he watches.  One was the Thick-billed Kingbird and the other was the Harris' Sparrow.

We stopped at the area they had been seen, but it was a bust so we headed on over to Patton's.  The picture below shows what a bright blue beautiful day we had. 

On the way to Patton's we saw five Havalina.  They scurried off so fast that this was the best picture I could get of them.

There were Hummingbirds galore at Patton's.

A Broad-billed Hummingbird.

A Broad-billed and a Black-chinned.

Broad-billed male and female of undetermined species!

Violet-crowned Hummingbird

Broadbilled and Violet-crowned

The Violet-crowned tipping his head to show the violet!

This Broad-bill peeked around the post.

Just a few of the other birds we saw at Patton's

Summer Tanager

Northern Cardinal

Lots of birders!

Ladder-backed Woodpecker
On our way home, we stopped back to see if we could see the Thick-billed Kingbird and luckily it was there.  

A closer view.
We still didn't see the Harris' Sparrow, but we had a great day!