Sunday, May 31, 2009


It's warming up in the desert, but we have still been able to do some birding. Last Sunday we went up to Madera Canyon. We hiked up the Carrie Nation Trail and saw some great birds. We saw two pairs of Elegant Trogons. One pair was at the nest, and we saw them trade off baby (or is that birdy) sitting duties. I did get a fairly good picture of the male Trogon. You can see the nest hole to the left of the Trogon. We also saw some Red-faced Warblers. These little warblers are what we call "flitterers". In other words they move around quickly and it's hard to take their picture. The picture below is looking down at Green Valley from up Carrie Nation Trail. On Memorial Day, we went with our friends Linda and Jim to Tubac to bird along the Anza Trail. We had a good day and saw 34 different birds.

This morning (Sunday, May 31) we walked out to see if we could see any Burrowing Owls. We did see one.

Can you see the Hummingbird in the nest in the picture below? You have to look very carefully as he/she blends in with the background so well.

Below is a picture of a little Hummingbird I took in our yard. He kind of looks mad!

On our walk this morning, I took this picture of a Gila Woodpecker peeking out of his nest hole in a Saguaro Cactus.

This family of Quail have come to our backyard a couple of times in the past few days. There were 11 babies. I couldn't get a picture of all of them together -- they move fast!

Lately we have also had a Roadrunner that makes a swing across our patio daily. I am sure he is looking for baby Quail. I try to shoo him away if there are any baby Quail in the vicinity.
All in all we had a great week seeing more than 70 different birds. Some of the highlights were: The Elegant Trogons; the Red-faced Warblers; Peregrine Falcon; Blue Grosbeak; Varied Bunting; Summer Tanager; Black-headed Grosbeak; Hepatic Tanager; White-eared Hummingbird; Cardinal (always a favorite); and the Roadrunner.

Sunday, May 17, 2009


Today we traveled to Mt. Lemon with Shirlie and Cliff. Shirlie thought it would be a good place to get out of the heat (it was 97 in Green Valley and 74 at Mt. Lemon), and Cliff had gotten a new digital camera he wanted to try out.

The four of us and Mac the Scottie dog at Windy Point on Mt. Lemon.

Bob and Cliff.

Bob and Mac

Me at the ski resort.
The chairlift was working taking people up to the top of the ski run. A lady who had just gotten off coming back down told Shirlie it was really cold at the top so we chose not to go.
The rock formations on Mt. Lemon have to be a geologist's dream. Mt. Lemon is about an hour and forty minutes from Green Valley. It is nice to bird there also, but today we just took pictures.

Friday, May 15, 2009


I can't believe it is already the middle of May! Here is an update of what we have been doing since the end of last month.
On the 30th of April, Scott and Yvonne had Cliff, Shirlie, Norm (Marg had already gone home) and Bob and I over for dinner.

Scott took this picture of Shirlie, Yvonne and me. Bob likes to call us the "Three Amigos." The food and the company were great.

The next day (May 1) we took Scott and Yvonne to Arivaca to bird.

That evening Doc and Jean from Twin Falls came. They rented a place in our subdivision for 5 days so we went to their rental for drinks. Then the next night we had dinner at our house with Scott and Yvonne and Doc and Jean. The next night the six of us had dinner at Doc and Jean's.

On Monday, Doc, Jean, Bob and I went up to Madera Canyon to have a picnic and to show them where we love to be the most.
That leads us into May 5th and Cinco de Mayo! The six of us went to Tubac to the Spice Store and then to Wisdom's for Margarita's and lunch. Then we gals went shopping while the men entertained the waitresses at the Tubac Bar and Grill. We just made it back to Green Valley in time to go to a Cinco de Mayo party at Marilee's and Allen's. As you can see by the pictures, a good time was had by all!!!!!

Today Bob and I went to Rio Rico where Bob has been wanting to go to see the Black-bellied Whistling Ducks. Then on the way back we stopped in Tubac to bird along the Anza Trail. Since the 1st of May we have seen four birds to add to our life list. In Madera Canyon we saw a White-eared Hummingbird , and a Flame-colored Tanager. (these are pictures from a book, I couldn't get close enough with my little camera)

Then today in Rio Rico we saw the Black-bellied Whistling Duck:

And along the Anza Trail we saw the Swainson's Thrush.

Today we saw 45 different birds, and along with the weather that is why we live here!