Scott took this picture of Shirlie, Yvonne and me. Bob likes to call us the "Three Amigos." The food and the company were great.
The next day (May 1) we took Scott and Yvonne to Arivaca to bird.
That evening Doc and Jean from Twin Falls came. They rented a place in our subdivision for 5 days so we went to their rental for drinks. Then the next night we had dinner at our house with Scott and Yvonne and Doc and Jean. The next night the six of us had dinner at Doc and Jean's.
Today Bob and I went to Rio Rico where Bob has been wanting to go to see the Black-bellied Whistling Ducks. Then on the way back we stopped in Tubac to bird along the Anza Trail. Since the 1st of May we have seen four birds to add to our life list. In Madera Canyon we saw a White-eared Hummingbird , and a Flame-colored Tanager. (these are pictures from a book, I couldn't get close enough with my little camera)
Then today in Rio Rico we saw the Black-bellied Whistling Duck:And along the Anza Trail we saw the Swainson's Thrush.
Today we saw 45 different birds, and along with the weather that is why we live here!
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