Saturday, December 26, 2009


Christmas is over and I for one couldn't be happier! It has been one get together after another, and eventually they take there toll on an "older" person.
We were at Scott and Yvonne's for cocktails on Thursday the week before Christmas.

Below Lynn is waving the talking stick! We were all trying to talk at once so she grabbed a shoe horn and she said, "this is the talking stick, and whoever holds it gets to talk." She got to talk first since she made up the rule!

On the Friday before Christmas, Doc and Jean came from Twin Falls. They rented the house across the street. That night we -Doc, Jean, Scott, Yvonne, Shirlie, Cliff, Norm, Marg, Bob and myself - went to the Elks Club for their Friday night fish fry. (don't have pictures -- both Scott and I forgot our cameras) Hey, give us a break - we're "older".

On Sunday, December 20, we had a Christmas Open House. Below are pictures of the party. We had 24 people in our little house. Thank goodness the temperature was in the low 70's so that we could spill out onto the patio. Thank you Scott for taking some of the pictures and letting me use them in this blog.

On Tuesday, Doc, Jean, Yvonne, Scott, Shirlie, Cliff, Bob and I went to Wisdom's in Tubac for two-for-one Margarita's and lunch. Luckily they needed a designated driver and that turned out to be me!

On Wednesday, Scott and Norm were going to Mexico for haircuts so Bob and Doc rode along. Yvonne, Jean, Marg and I decided to go to Tucson shopping. (again no camera!)

Christmas Eve night we had Doc, Jean, Yvonne and Scott over for Lasagna. (a camera, but forgot to take pictures). Can you see where this forgetfulness is going. It's not pretty!

Doc and Jean left Christmas morning to head back to Twin Falls. Bob, Yvonne, Scott and I went over to Marg and Norm's for Christmas dinner. Shirlie and Cliff and Shirlie's daughter and friend came over for drinks and I did get pictures!

Don't you just love Norm's hat?

All in all we had a great holiday, and I've got 12 months before I need to worry about it again. Unfortunately the way the days fly by, it will be here before we know it.

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