Saturday, February 27, 2010


We had heard that there were Lawrence's Goldfinches in the neighborhood so on our walk this morning we did get to see one. In the picture below I was taking a picture of the little Lawrence Goldfinch, which you can barely see behind the rock, but a closer look at the picture shows a bunny rabbit hiding behind the prickly pear cactus. I didn't even see it until I put the pictures on the computer! This Norther Cardinal flew down the walking path in front of us as we walked. This was the best picture I could get of him. He is so beautiful this time of year!
There is still quite a bit of snow in the Santa Rita's. Thank goodness it's up there and not down here.
In this picture (see the arrow) a little Vermilion Flycatcher was flying just far enough in front of us that I couldn't get a very good picture, but he is there.
As we were walking back home, this female Norther Cardinal was in an Ocotillo and she let me have a pretty good look at her.
It was chilly this morning. I am still looking forward to warmer weather, maybe next week!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010


On February 11, one of my best buddies slipped and broke her ankle. So with her down we haven't been doing too much. She's on the mend and gets a permanent cast on this week - we hope! The weather has been rather inclement this year - not at all like last year when it was warm and sunny. We've had a lot of rain, which we have needed, but I will be glad when it warms up into the high 70's low 80's. The rainy weather has made for beautiful sky's!
We've had some unexpected visitors lately. These little Western Bluebirds have been coming to the bird bath for drinks. They stay just long enough to get a drink and then they're gone. You have to be fast to get a picture of them, and I did manage to get a few. Below are two females and a male.
And this little male came all by himself.
About 3 weeks ago Bob and I went with Colleen and Stein to the Desert Wildlife Museum. We had a great time although it was very crowded.
I think Bob was checking out the Javalina.
This little Cactus Wren sat on this Saguaro for the longest time and just let me take picture after picture.
Yesterday, we went to an open house at Jim and Linda Gleason's. I surprised Linda when I took this picture.
There was lots of good food and great conversation.
And Bob got this picture standing out on the Gleason's patio. It had been pouring rain just seconds before.
We're not doing much birding because the weather is just too unsettled. That will change soon and we'll be at it again.