Monday, March 22, 2010


Last year I did a blog about Bob's rock hunting trip led by Harrison Yokum. Yesterday we were invited to an ice cream social at Harrison's home in Tucson. I can't even describe how fascinating his home was. Pictures are worth a thousand words so here are just a few of the 134 I took. Harrison, the little leprechaun, is 85 years old.
Bob is with Harrison and his sister Daisy. She told Bob that she is not as eccentric as Harrison, but she had on her Daisy Duck shirt!
Harrison has been collecting rocks and plants for around 50 years.
Bob and Scott checking out the different kind of rocks.
This rock house, as well as his home, has thousands of books and rock specimens.
Along the paths are all kinds of plants and every now and then a statue of some kind.
He has planted thousands of cactus over time. These barrel cactus were beautiful.
Yvonne and Marg enjoy iced tea.
This plant (from the Aloe Vera species) was everywhere; and they were beautiful.
Just some of the people that came to the ice cream social.
More rock formations.
This Hummingbird was enjoying these flowers also.
Bob (behind Norm), Norm, Scott and Yvonne.
I took this picture inside Harrison's house.
This Scotsman posed for a picture with the Irishman.
Harrison began, and his home and gardens were the site of, the first Tucson Botanical Gardens. His rock specimans as well as his library, which contains thousands and thousands of books, are in a trust to the Tuscon Botanical Garden which is now located on Alvernon Way in Tucson.

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