Sunday, September 26, 2010


We had a quiet week here in Green Valley. It was way too hot to go out much, but last night we did have an interesting cloud formation. That happens here a lot!
At the first of the week we had some storm clouds move in, alas, no rain, but there were some pretty rainbows.
Below: Meet Larry Lizard. Larry was just tiny last year, and we pretty much forgot he was in our backyard. When we came from Idaho, there he was; and he's a big boy now. He hangs out all over our backyard, and he sleeps in Bob's palm Christmas tree.
The other day I looked out the window and there was a Roadrunner; I'm sure he was looking for Larry, as Roadrunners love to eat lizards. So I went out and shooed him, but he didn't budge! Then Bob came out and shooed and he finally ambled off, thankfully without Larry for lunch!
I decided to give Boomer a shower. I took him into the bathroom and he flew off my hand and ran under the chester drawers where he hid and wouldn't come out.
I didn't dare reach in to drag him out as he would have bitten me, so I just left him there for a while and eventually he wandered out. He still got his shower!!
We also had the snake incident this week which is in the following blog. Exciting here in Green Valley, isn't it?

Thursday, September 23, 2010


Yesterday the man reading the water meters found a snake in the neighbor's meter, so Bob called the Fire Department's snake removal number. Of course Bob had to help! So I stood way back and took pictures. Below Bob is opening the cover on the meter. The man from the Fire Department grabbed this big guy and was nice enough to put him down for a picture.
Then into the snake box.
There was another snake in the same meter, but he/she tucked way back in and no amount of prodding could get him/her out.
So Bob hooked up a hose and they ran water into the hole.
And they fished around some more, but still the snake wouldn't come out. Notice I'm standing way back!
Until finally the snake appeared, and he was really mad, so the man grabbed him and into the box he went, and I didn't get a chance for a good picture.
The people from the Fire Department told me that this was the fifth snake removal call they had been on that day, and this was before noon!

Saturday, September 11, 2010


I suppose you have all heard the saying; sleep, creep, leap when you plant a new plant? Well the first year after planting it sleeps, the second year it creeps, and the third year it leaps. I'll tell you this is not true when there is a good monsoon! I put the picture below on the prior blog. Bob took it of me this past April. (if you click on the picture it will enlarge) Yesterday we had to re-stake it because the base was too big, and the little stake that was in it to begin with wasn't holding it. We also had to trim it a little as it had grown so much; so Bob took this picture. If it continues to grow at this rate it will be huge in no time! YEA!!