Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Last Monday we were planning to go to Costco in Tucson when Bob decided we should leave a little early and go to the desert museum to see the flight show. We missed the Raven's, but I did get pictures of the Great Horned Owl
and the Ferruginous Hawk. We also watched a Prairie Falcon, but he flew too fast so I couldn't get a picture of him.
Looking out at the Avra Valley. It was a beautiful day!
Below is a picture of a seed stalk bolting up from a Palmer Agave (AKA Century plant); sitting in it is an uncooperative Cactus Wren. So to make the picture more interesting...
I photo shopped it.
On our walk around the museum we saw this Gila Woodpecker building a nest. Saguaro's are one of their favorite nesting sites.
The Barn Owl below was being shown on the glove by a docent.
Below: No they're not pigs! They're Javalina.
Another bird being shown on the glove of a docent: A Harris' Hawk.
Bob was reading the prehistoric history of the desert when I snapped this shot.
We had a good morning; went to lunch and made it to Costco without spending too much! ha ha. (we never go to Costco without spending lots - it's good we only go once a month or so).

Monday, January 3, 2011


We had our second annual open house yesterday. Last year at the other house we invited about 24 people. This year we invited 46 and 41 came. What a group!! I was so busy visiting and giving tours of the new house that I forgot to take pictures -- Marg to the rescue. Unfortunately, she started taking pictures after half the people had already gone home. In the picture below, we are having a discussion about Boomer. People who have never been around birds are fascinated by him. They want him to talk, but of course he won't.
More pictures of some of the people in attendance.
It was too cold to set up the bar outside this year so we moved the car and set it up in the garage. Another reason we love the 2-car garage!
We had a great time. Lots of friends, food and fun! Right now we are re-thinking a third annual open house, but give us a few months to recover and we'll be rarin' to go!