Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Last Monday we were planning to go to Costco in Tucson when Bob decided we should leave a little early and go to the desert museum to see the flight show. We missed the Raven's, but I did get pictures of the Great Horned Owl
and the Ferruginous Hawk. We also watched a Prairie Falcon, but he flew too fast so I couldn't get a picture of him.
Looking out at the Avra Valley. It was a beautiful day!
Below is a picture of a seed stalk bolting up from a Palmer Agave (AKA Century plant); sitting in it is an uncooperative Cactus Wren. So to make the picture more interesting...
I photo shopped it.
On our walk around the museum we saw this Gila Woodpecker building a nest. Saguaro's are one of their favorite nesting sites.
The Barn Owl below was being shown on the glove by a docent.
Below: No they're not pigs! They're Javalina.
Another bird being shown on the glove of a docent: A Harris' Hawk.
Bob was reading the prehistoric history of the desert when I snapped this shot.
We had a good morning; went to lunch and made it to Costco without spending too much! ha ha. (we never go to Costco without spending lots - it's good we only go once a month or so).

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