Monday, June 20, 2011


It is heating up here in the desert! It's dry, hot, and the fires are raging. If the Monsoon's don't start soon all of Arizona is going to burn up!
Meet Red Bird (yes, that's her name). She is owned by the son of some friends of ours. They were to have her for 6 months but had made a two week commitment to do some volunteer work in North Dakota before they found out she was coming to stay with them. So we are keeping her for them. She has fit right in with us and Boomer.
Shirlie decided she needed to get out so we went to Tubac for lunch on Father's Day. She wanted to go to Stables.
We sat outside even though it was a cool 102 degrees. But on the patio with the breeze it was very comfortable. We missed Cliff, but had a nice afternoon.

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