Friday, September 16, 2011


Long time between Blogs.  They switched the way you do the blog and I just learned how!  Should catch up now!!

While we were in Boise we went to the Saturday Farmer's Market a couple of times.  On this Saturday, Katie's high school friend and her daughter were in town so we couldn't resist going again.
Jordan, Bob, Cari and Katie

Me, Jordan, Cari and Katie

Lots of people and things to see
The Tour de Fat parade was in full swing.  I had heard of  Tour de Fat, but never seen the parade.  It was something to behold.  There must have been a thousand people taking part in the parade and many more par-taking of the beer afterwards.

Me, Jordan, Cari and Bob watching the parade.

Some of the weirdest getup's I've ever seen!
A couple of the guys Bob worked with at Macy's had us over for a bbq.  We had a great evening with Bob's other "sons".  The food was terrific too!
Clark, Bob, Josh and, another Macy co-hort, Bill.
They even let me get in the picture!

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