Wednesday, April 25, 2012


Vickey and Craig came down to see us on Monday the 16th and Jody and Dennis flew in on Thursday the 19th. We ate, drank, and mostly laughed until we couldn't laugh any more!

Vickey and Craig always make sport of my "clean" house so we made a sign for their "john" to show them how clean it really could be!
On Tuesday, the four of us went to the Pima Air Museum.  Bob and I had never been there before.  It was a very interesting.

Bob wanted so badly to fly in this airplane

This was one of the airplanes available to President Kennedy and VP Johnson

This one was huge!!

We hurried home from the Air Museum so we could attend happy hour.

Doc, Yvonne, Lynn, Vickey, Craig and Jean

We met Jody and Dennis in Tucson on Thursday at one of our favorite restaurants "Old Pueblo Grill".

In the mornings, the guys liked to sit outside and have coffee (with Bailey's of course)

and a beer if it was later 

On Friday evening Jean and Doc invited us over for pizza.

Craig was taking the pictures - not his best work- or maybe it's his subjects?
On Saturday we went to Tubac to Wisdom's for Margaritas! First we stopped at the Tubac Golf Resort

Then on to Wisdom's

clowning around!

more clowning around

But mostly we sat around outside and visited!

Star gazing with an app on the I Pad

We sure missed the Salisbury's, but enjoyed having everyone else here with us!  Can't wait until the next time.

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