Friday, October 18, 2013


Bob and I stayed an extra day in Page so that we could go to Antelope Canyon and Horseshoe Bend.  We had heard so much about them we decided we better see them while we had the chance.

Our Indian guide was Rick; he was into photography so he told us what settings to use for our cameras; what an advantage that was.

Bob listens as Rick explains about Antelope Canyon

Pictures inside Antelope Canyon:

The colors were amazing!

As we were finishing the tour, Rick had Bob and I stand and hold a flashlight just so... looks like we're holding a torch!  The picture above is looking out the same way, I was just standing a little differently.

After we left Antelope Canyon we went to Horseshoe Bend.  It was quite a walk in but well worth it.  These pictures don't do it justice.

On our way back to the motel, we stopped for gas and were met with this scene.

What a great ending to a great week!

Thursday, October 17, 2013


We moved the houseboat towards the marina on day 6 so we could disembark and unload our "stuff" before noon on our 7th day.  This gave us plenty of time to play after we docked for the evening.

Dennis herding the floaters back to the boat!

This  Lesser Grebe was unconcerned about the activity around him. 
The only time I got in the water was on day 6.  I paddled around a bit in the blow-up kayak.

This was also when we did a little "goofing" around.  

Dennis doing his rugby fighting call.

Kathy brought "costumes" and we did a little dance for the guys!
 And to top off our wonderful week we had this beautiful, beautiful sunset.  
Venus and the waning moon.

Day 7:

Just one more scenic picture on the way to the marina.

The marina in sight!

Terry & Craig helping escort our "stuff" to our cars!
What a fantastic week spent with "old" friends in an absolutely beautiful setting.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013


Our trip is winding down and we had another beautiful start to day 5.

The houseboat was docked. . .
So we took this time to relax and enjoy. 

The airplane below flew over us and we all waved so he came back and did a low pass-by.

Terry decided to try his luck at fishing.

The gang posed for me.  Do we look like we're having fun?
Below are a couple of pictures of the scenery!

Kathy brought ingredients to make Smoores.  

Kathy & Vickey toasting their marshmallows

Just enjoying the campfire

The end to another perfect day

Tuesday, October 15, 2013


 Already day four and we're still having a great time.  It is amazing that eight people can get along so well!  
Another beautiful morning!

Vickey, Kathy & Jody on their floaties 

Vickey going down the slide

Jody and Dennis kayaking 
Just more scenery of this beautiful area!

 The clouds had been just white and puffy all day, but towards evening they began to get a little darker.

Bob helping to anchor the boat

Happy, happy boys!

This eye looked down on us all night!

Finally only dark skies
Another fun, successful day of boating!

Sunday, October 13, 2013


Day three started out with another beautiful morning.

We decided this was the day we needed to go to Rainbow Bridge.  Again luck was with us as the monsoons had closed the path to Rainbow Bridge and it had just reopened the week before we got there.
Kathy and Jody with our houseboat in the background

Terry, me, Bob and Dennis
Shots of some of the scenery we saw on our way to Rainbow Bridge.

It was an amazing ride

See the sailboats in the rock?

Bob and Craig walking up the path to Rainbow Bridge
Usually there are such crowds at the Bridge, but because of the government shut down we were the only eight people there for almost an hour.

The J.A.M.S at Rainbow Bridge

It was very spectacular!

Heading back to the houseboat!

As we headed back the clouds started to roll in 

and it was a rather windy night.  So no pictures of the sunset.