Monday, July 1, 2013


Sunday, despite the heat, we had a picnic at Jessica and Kip's with all our children and grandchildren (except K.C who "had" to stay in Winnemucca and tend Boomer). Below are all 11 grandchildren.

All the grandchildren with the grandparents.

The whole family! Quite a crew!!

We had a great time, and we are happy that Kip made it back from Turkey in time to BBQ the hamburgers, brats, and dogs!

1 comment:

Justin and Lacie said...

Hi Shani! I wondered if you would email me these pictures so I could have a copy of them as well! Also in the email will you tell me again what your camera is - I am pretty sure you said a Panasonic Luminx but I didn't know what numbers were after it - I love the awesome zoom you have so I am thinking of selling mine and getting something more similar to yours! I need BIG zoom! It was so great to see you guys in Boise this year! Thanks for everything!