Monday, August 26, 2013


On the birding sight Bob watches, there has been lots of postings about a rare sighting of a Blue-footed Booby at Patagonia State Park.  So early Sunday morning we headed off to see if we could get a glimpse.

I can't even describe how green the area is from all the Monsoon rains and the picture below doesn't do it justice.

We parked at the visitors center and walked down to the lake.  We weren't there more than two minutes and here it came.  It was a life bird for both of us!
Just to show how green the area is

I don't have a camera that can get up really close, but I did get a couple of okay pictures even though he/she was moving rather fast!

Bob watching the Booby, just before a dive

The picture below is a Great White Egret with a family of Turkey Vultures.

Bob waiting for the Booby to reappear.

On our way to Patton's where we were hoping to see a male Painted Bunting that had been seen there, I had Bob stop so I could take a picture of some flowers.  As I got out of the car I saw a bird I didn't recognize so I motioned for Bob and he got out and looked up - he became very excited as it was a Yellow-billed Cuckoo.  Another lifer for both of us.  (No picture unfortunately).

The Hummingbirds are migrating so there were dozens at the feeders at Patton's.  The Violet-crowned Hummingbird below was the highlight.  What a beautiful little guy! (sorry for the slightly fuzzy picture).

Below are other birds we saw - well ones I could get a picture of anyway.
Acorn Woodpecker

Zone-tailed Hawk

Cassins Kingbird
On the road to Patagonia, I spotted this old abandoned place with old abandoned vehicles - thought it made an interesting picture.

We had a great day with two life birds.  We didn't see the Painted Bunting, but now we have something to look forward to for another day.

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