Thursday, November 6, 2008

B S from the desert

We have decided since everyone "blogs" we should also. We'll give it a try. I have already found out that it's harder than Jessica and Lacie make it look. There will probably be a lot of trial and error, but eventually I'll get it (hopefully).
We have been in Arizona almost 5 months. Can you believe it? It seems just like yesterday we were hurrying to get the house in Boise ready to sell. Then we spent the first two months down here painting and making this house our home. Which it has now become. The best thing we did was to have the patio redone to make it more livable. We spend 75% of our time out there -- it is lovely!
About the middle of July came the monsoons. They were spectacular and the desert was not what you would think a desert would be. It was green and lush and the flowers were beautiful. And the cactus in bloom was a thing of beauty.
These are just a few of the cactus that were in bloom. I took so many pictures I can't put them all on this blog!
The flower below was in bloom all over Green Valley. It is called a Red Bird of Paridise. The butterfly is a Pipeline Swallowtail. I took the picture while we were on a walk. We loved this flower so much that we had two put in our yard. I can hardly wait for next summer when they will be in bloom again.


Riley Monroe said...

Good luck with the blog.
The pictures look great.

JD said...

Good job! We are so excited to be able to see more. Watch out, blogging gets addictive.