Tuesday, December 2, 2008

After eating so much Thanksgiving day, the four of us decided we needed to get out and move so Bob suggested we go birding (surprise, surprise). Lesley and Kent stayed with us when we were here in April and Lesley got the birding bug; and Kent bought a new camera, so all agreed and away we went to Arivaca. We had a great day walking and birding and taking pictures. We saw some great birds and just enjoyed the 70 + degree weather.
When Bob birds, he never stops so Lesley and I decided we had to have a snack just to keep us going.

Kent took a lot of pictures with his new camera. This is a great one of a Red-tailed Hawk in flight and another resting in a willow tree.

He also took one of a female Cardinal

and a Black Phoebe

We decided to stop at the Stockman's Restaurant in Amado on the way home and have a late lunch -- we weren't quite up to turkey again.
We ran into Santa at the restaurant, and being the Christmas person that I am (ha ha), and wanting to get in the Christmas spirit (again ha ha), we had our picture taken with the old fellow.
Soooooo, it's official the Christmas season has begun!

1 comment:

JD said...

Sounds like you had a great Thanksgiving. We miss you guys.