Saturday, February 28, 2009


Another day of birding to see the Trogon, but this time we headed to Patagonia Lake State Park. The birding hotline said a Trogan had been seen there so we had to go, right? And we are so happy we did. We got the best look at him that we have ever gotten of a Trogon. You could see him with the naked eye and with binoculars it was fantastic. The pictures we took didn't turn out very well as he was in the shade and far enough away that our little camera couldn't get a good picture. The first two pictures below we took and then the third one is a picture out of a book so you can see what he is really suppose to look like. Isn't he beautiful!
We had a great day birding. We also saw a number of bulls and cows meandering through the scrub. We had to be careful where we stepped!

Bob is looking at Common Mergansers, Gadwalls and some Ringneck Ducks.

Other birds of interest we saw were: a Lazuli Bunting, Aberts Towhee, Violet Crowned Hummingbird, Rufus Hummingbird (he was beautiful), a Pine Siskin, Vermilion Flycatcher, Ash-throated Flycatcher, Common Moorhen, Ruddy Duck, Roadrunner, and an Eared Grebe just to name a few. All in all we saw 47 different species. What a day! Even Bob was ready to go home by early afternoon.

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