Friday, April 3, 2009


I can't believe it is already April. One year ago we came to Green Valley and rented a townhouse for the month. And now we have spent almost a whole year here. The last month has been hectic. We have been birding a number of times. At Madera Canyon we saw the following birds. (Not my pictures, but I wanted you to see what we saw).


And we got a really, really good look at the Elegant Trogon. He was close enough this time that I could have gotten a good picture with my camera, but my battery was dead! Ugh!

On the 18th of March we went to Patigonia to the Nature Conservancy's Sonoita Reserve. These pictures of us show just how big the trees are there.
Shirley and Cliff had taken there RV to Patigonia Lake State Park so we stopped by to see them and some other friends on our way home.
We had a great day and saw 58 different birds.

On the 20th of March we went to Scottsdale to spend the weekend with old school chums. We stayed with Nancy Marcum. Barbara and Jerry Reese were there as well as Terri Hopkins and Cheryl Furman. We had a great time.

April is looking to be as hectic as March was. On April first a few of the women from our subdivision got together for a movie night out. We had drinks, geedunks, and watched "Mama Mia". A good time was had by all.

Before we know it, it is going to be 2010!

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