Sunday, April 26, 2009


Remove Formatting from selectionSpringtime means two things in Green Valley. First flowers, flowers, and more flowers (also see the proceeding blog entry). The following pictures are from our own tiny little cactus. It may be small but it produces a beautiful flower.
Boomer enjoys the flowers too!
The second thing about spring is that all the birds, snowbirds that is, start heading back from whence they came. A few of our friends have gone already; most will be gone by the middle of May; and all by the end of May. One of our friends had to leave early so she was cleaning out her fridge and freezer and she gave me a whole bag of frozen pork ribs. Soooo what could we do with all those ribs but have a party! We invited 14 people, and believe me when I say nobody went home hungry!
Busy Bob at the grill!
Some of the food!
The friends!We are going to miss everyone when they go home, but we'll probably loose a bunch of weight as the dinners and cocktail parties will stop. But luckily they'll be back next October and it will start all over again.

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