Wednesday, January 20, 2010


Someone asked if I would be on the beautification committee for our subdivision -- at the time I thought how hard can it be; well I found out because beautification comes with a LOT of hard work. Our first project was to move the small gravel in a designated area so that we could have loads of dirt dumped to make berms and then put the gravel over the berms and eventually plant cacti and such on said berms. The committee designated Tuesday, January 19, for our first work day having no clue that it would be cloudy and rainy (we haven't had rain for months). So we volunteers braved the rain, wind and thank God no snow to do our part in beautifying The Springs. Phyllis, Juanita and myself were the "brave" women helping. I say brave because it was COLD! I had everyone gather together for a group picture.
Bob and this gentleman were in deep discussion about the best way to move rocks (I guess)!
What was suppose to be a 3 hour project turned into an all day project and let me tell you we were exhausted by the time we got home that afternoon. The planting will commence on February 19. Oh, yea! Today, Wednesday the 20th, a group of women from The Springs got together and went to Amado for lunch at the Stockman's Grill. Below are a few pictures.
And then a group picture.
We had a nice day and the weather cooperated with us for this picture.

1 comment:

Riley Monroe said...

Dad the wind must have been blowing pretty hard. Good thing you were holding that shovel up, it could have fallen down and hurt some poor "old person".