Saturday, January 30, 2010


Friday, the Camera Club held their annual "Mystery Trip". No one but the coordinator knows where we are going -- it's a "locked in the vault" secret. So everyone that is signed up to go on the trip meets at the Camera Club at the appointed hour. Each car is given a map, but still not told what we are going to see. Arriving at the appointed destination is our first clue as to where we are:
About 50 people attended the "Mystery Trip", and we all waited patiently to see what was going to happen.
And then along came Angus!! He's a gnome with an Irish accent and all.
He explains that "The Valley of the Moon" is a unique area built in the 1920's by George Phar Legler and a number of people who shared his dream. It's purpose is to appeal to the magical imagination of children and of bringing mental and spiritual relaxation for visitors to the site.
Bob looked on with interest???
I put a lot of pictures in because you just can't understand the strangeness of this place unless you see for yourself.
This is Carl. He was the instigator of this whole "Mystery Trip".
It was just one strange thing after another!
We got to go into the rabbit hole. The picture below is looking out a window in the rabbit hole.
This is a lady squeezing out the last part of the rabbit hole. Some people turned around as it was quite a contortion at the end.
Just another of the strange creatures at "The Valley of the Moon".
We had a very interesting afternoon, but like Bob said as we were leaving, "Been there done that."

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