Saturday, December 29, 2012


I am slow getting this Thanksgiving blog out, but for some reason when I tried to put it on just after Thanksgiving, the blog witches said I had to buy space.  Now you all know me and my Scottish blood!  Anyway today I tried it and so far it is working.

This was our first annual Thanksgiving get together in the Fiesta Room over at the rec center.  We sent out e-mail invitations, and after we received confirmation of attendees, we assigned a dish for them to bring.  

Shirlie picking her place

Dick, Tom and Bob 

Kate and Cindy

Ron - ??? 

Barbara, Doc and Jean


Cindy and Jim

                                                   Good food!!

Looks kinda like the "Last Supper"?

Group picture.

This worked out so well we did it again at Christmas. (that blog to follow at a later date.)

Monday, November 19, 2012


Last Saturday we went to Buenos Aires National Wildlife Refuge,  about an hour from Green Valley.  The refuge was started in 1985 to provide a breeding and sanctuary for the Masked Bobwhite and also habitat for the Pronghorn Antelope.  On this day they were having a fair to show the diversity of the refuge.  
On our way to the refuge, we stopped at Arivaca Cenega to see if there were any birds about.  

This is a beautiful old Fremont Cottonwood
Baboquivari Mountain in the background

Bob birding

Once at the refuge we wander the grounds.

A place set up to learn archery

Lots of booths
A male American Kestrel eating lunch

Don't have a comment for this one!

On Sunday, Shirlie had an "all girls" party.

Cindy, Shirlie, and Marilyn

Marilyn, Yvonne and Baby

Yvonne and Lynn

From right to left: Mary, Maureen, Sally, Jean, Judy and Barbara
Our message to Marg who won't be here until December
Our weeks are starting to get busier so maybe my blogging will pick up.

Friday, November 2, 2012


Another successful mystery trip!  Every year Carl organizes a photo op trip and no one knows where it will be until we arrive at our destination!  This year's trip took us to the Cienega Creek Llama & Alpaca farm.

Carl, organizing another trip I'm sure!

One in every color!

Posing for the cameras

Such sweet faces!

The little brown Alpaca above was Bob's favorite.  He was a beautiful chocolate color - of course he was Bob's favorite!!
 This Billy Goat was wandering around with the Llama's and Alpaca's.  I don't know how they stood him - he was smelly!  But cute.
 Interestingly, they have to shear off the teeth on these animals as they tend to get to long.  This little guy is in need of a good dentist!
Melissa was our guide and told us all about the farm and the animals.  
 There were also two Poitou Donkeys, a horse, Emu's, Pygmy Goats, and a couple of dogs.

 As we were getting ready for the picture below we all started to count, one, two, three and so on and as we were counting all the Alpaca's ran over and looked at us (above).  It was so funny!

Cienega Creek Farm is the largest Alpaca farm in Arizona. What a fun and interesting day.

Sunday, October 14, 2012


With the HOT weather and the monsoon, we have been housebound so I haven't had much to Blog about!  Patsy and Ron got back from their trip; Scott and Yvonne got back soon after that; so slowly but surely we are getting our BFF's back.

On Monday night Barbara asked us all to go to the American Legion for Hamburger night.

Patsy and Shirlie

Jacke, Yvonne and me

Bob, Scott and Ron 

Shirlie, Barbara, me and Yvonne

We had a great time and we were home by 6!

On Thursday Kent and Lesley came from Casa Grande, and on Friday we went to the Patagonia Fall Festival.

Bob is chuckling about the picture of the three little boys in the painting behind him.  The name of the painting is "This Isn't Our First Rodeo".  

Kent and I wandered off together because Lesley and Bob like to look at everything!

There was even a used book sale.  Bob and Kent looking through the books.

Kent and Lesley bought this outdoor hanging.  The artist had some wonderful pieces.

Now that our partying friends are starting to trickle back to Green Valley, and as the weather moderates and we can get out more, I will try to do a better job updating the Blog.