Monday, November 19, 2012


Last Saturday we went to Buenos Aires National Wildlife Refuge,  about an hour from Green Valley.  The refuge was started in 1985 to provide a breeding and sanctuary for the Masked Bobwhite and also habitat for the Pronghorn Antelope.  On this day they were having a fair to show the diversity of the refuge.  
On our way to the refuge, we stopped at Arivaca Cenega to see if there were any birds about.  

This is a beautiful old Fremont Cottonwood
Baboquivari Mountain in the background

Bob birding

Once at the refuge we wander the grounds.

A place set up to learn archery

Lots of booths
A male American Kestrel eating lunch

Don't have a comment for this one!

On Sunday, Shirlie had an "all girls" party.

Cindy, Shirlie, and Marilyn

Marilyn, Yvonne and Baby

Yvonne and Lynn

From right to left: Mary, Maureen, Sally, Jean, Judy and Barbara
Our message to Marg who won't be here until December
Our weeks are starting to get busier so maybe my blogging will pick up.

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